Over the last week or so, we have all watched as things have become increasingly unsettling at home and abroad. The impact of Covid-19 is intersecting into everyone’s lives in a myriad of ways. With New Zealand moving into Alert Level 4 we wanted to update you on our plans.
We will be working from home and suspending all orders during this time. However, we will be back up and running as soon as the threat level comes back down. When this happens there will be more need than ever for Dignity.
For us, we are mindful of those experiencing period inequity.
We know that period inequity is intertwined with poverty and the way to resolve it is to either 1) reduce poverty or 2) increase access to period products.
Poverty is likely to worsen as a result of the financial crisis we are about to face, and consequently a larger group of vulnerable people - young and old - will not be able to afford the products they need, exacerbating the other issues they will be facing.
Our mission is to give sanitary items to those in the community experiencing period poverty and those without access. We are expecting increased need from community groups across the country who will be under a lot more pressure over the coming months, and will alongside our Give Partners, including schools, to determine how to best get products to their students in need.
We want to, and we believe we can, make it to the other side of this so we can keep on having meaningful and measurable impact for New Zealanders.
We’ll be back up and running when the threat level gets lowered ready to continue our impact work with the Dignity initiative.
Thank you for all your continued support.
We hope you, your friends and families are safe and well.
Aroha nui,
Jacinta Gulasekharam (Co-founder),
Miranda Hitchings (Co-founder),
Anika Speedy (General Manager)
Sophie Brooker (Operations Manager)
The Dignity Team ♥
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