5 ways you can help with Covid-19

5 ways you can help with Covid-19

Here are our top picks for how you can help yourself and others during this time. There is no rule book or right way for how we cope with our time in self isolation.  Go easy on yourself, remember the biggest gift you can give to yourself and others is kindness.

1. The SpinOff – how to help, volunteer or donate

Here’s a guide to which organisations have the capabilities to put your energy to good use, and what practical steps you can take to support the community.

2. Eat My Lunch

Eat My Lunch are delivering care boxes with fresh essentials to your door. Plus, you can look after elderly relatives or friends with a box of essential groceries so they don’t need to leave their home. Provides for one person for 2 weeks and a couple for 1 week.

3. Women’s Refuge - Safe Night

We know that Family Violence will increase as families are in self isolation at home. You can help the victims of family violence by booking a room for someone you’ll never meet, in a place you’ll hopefully never visit.

4. How to nail working from home during COVID-19

When we combine stress and uncertainty with a big shift in where we work, it’s a lot to cope with. So here is some impactful and practical advice to navigate through this time successfully.  

5. We’re going on a Bear Hunt - Ideas for Isolation

How to make the most of your time at home with your children and give them some memories to cherish over this unique time together.  Go on a bear hunt and more wonderful ideas for home with the family.


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Dignity Covid-19 Update - Thank you for your support
Dignity - What it means to be B Corp certified

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