Products - for NGOs

Building inclusive communities through period equity

Why Period Products in Community Spaces

Essentials not luxuries

Did you know that up to 70% of people with periods have been caught short by their period outside of their homes? People don’t choose to have periods, and period products are a necessity, not a luxury, just like toilet paper and soap. If you get caught out without products, it impacts engagement and wellbeing. Community organisations have a responsibility to create fair, inclusive and equitable spaces.

Enhances community wellbeing

When people get periods unexpectedly, it impacts their well-being. Providing free period products means people in your community don't have to worry about constantly carrying their period products, it is one less thing they have to stress about. When people are caught out, it forces them to have awkward conversations, engineer unhygienic makeshift solutions, make emergency trips to the shops, or simply go home.

Tackles local period poverty

24% of people with periods in Aotearoa have at some point, missed work, school or being involved in activities, because they didn’t have access to period products. Providing these products increases engagement in local activities like going to the library or swimming pool, playing sports, or joining cultural activities. People with periods will feel more comfortable participating in their local communities, knowing they will not get caught out.

How to get started with Dignity

Step 1

Customised proposal

We’ll create a customised proposal and cost estimate for how Dignity can work for your community organisation.

Step 2


We’ll set you up in our ordering system and send you some marketing material to help you to launch this initiative to your community.

Step 3

NGO Ttrial

We’ll then send you an order for your first 3 months. At the end of this we’ll check in to see how it’s going, and if we need to make any changes to your subscription volume or product selection.

Step 4

Regular Deliveries

We’ll set you up on a regular delivery for products to your organisation's locations.

Step 5

You’re now a Dignity Period Positive Community Organisation

You’ll regularly receive period products to better support the people in your community, enhancing well-being, equity and inclusivity - and knowing that together, we are one step closer to creating period equity. 

Contact us for a customised quote for your NGO

From our community organisations

Far North District Council

"Dignity makes a huge impact in our Far North lower socio-economic communities. Libraries are places where people can visit and don’t need to spend money. The Dignity initiative supports this kaupapa and adds to the building of relationships, support and trust within communities. It has been a real privilege to partner with Dignity and share ways to promote and give period products to those in need."

Westland District Library

"Our library partnering with Dignity shows that we care about the health and well-being of our team and our visitors, making a positive impact. It provides me with peace of mind when my cycle behaves unpredictably and it significantly reduces the level of stress associated with my periods. I am proud to work in a library where period products are freely accessible to people in need. By partnering with Dignity our library is able to have a direct positive impact on period equity and wellbeing in our community.”

Rotorua Aquatic Centre

"The Dignity posters have officially been up for two days and already we have helped around ten women! The tampons are a hit, and customers are thrilled they can join in on swimming. Thank you for supporting our facility at the Rotorua Aquatic Centre, and helping us help others!"


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