Impact Partners supporting Dignity
Our Impact Partners are the wonderful corporate businesses we work with, who provide Dignity free period products to their employees, creating more equitable workplaces, as well as enabling us to gift the equivalent amount to our Give Partners, through our social Impact.

Give Partners
Since we began, Dignity has supported over 250 Give Partners.
Our Give Partners do incredible mahi, helping us to get free period products to people who need it the most - a lot of them are volunteers and all are non profits, supporting people who are experiencing hardship. They make an incredible difference to peoples lives across Aotearoa.
- Far North REAP
- Gynaecology Outpatient Dept - Whangarei Hospital
- West End Medical Centre
- Mid North Women's Aid & Refuge
- Whangarei Youth Space
- Bald Angels Charitable Trust
- Brown girl woke
- Dargaville Public Library
- Kaitaia College
- Kamo High School
- Kerikeri High School
- Northland College/Hiwa-i-te-rangi Teen Parent Unit
- Otamatea School High School
- Tikipunga High School
- Te Whare o Ngā Tūmanako Māori Women's Refuge
- Te Whare Aio Maori Women's Refuge
- West Auckland Resource Centre Trust
- Whare o te Atawhai Nui Transitional Housing
- He Waka Eke Noa Charitable Trust
- Te Puna Manawa Healthwest
- Kindred Family Services
- Ambury Park Centre
- REAF Refugee Education for Adults and Families
- Wings Trust
- Ae Ka Taea e Koe
- Come to the Table Street Ministry Outreach Charitable Trust
- Marist Alternative Education Ltd
- Rawiri Residents Association (Foodbank)
- Pakuranga and Howick Budgeting Service
- Aorere College
- Auckland Seventh-Day Adventist High School
- Auckland Women's Centre
- Baradene College
- Bay's Youth Fearless Programme
- Bays Youth Alternative Education
- Birkdale Intermediate School
- Caps Hauraki
- Caring Crew NZ
- Connected Learning Centre/Tangaroa College Teen Parent Unit
- Department of Corrections, New Lynn Community Corrections
- Dingwall TrustE Tipu E Rea Whanau Services
- Eden Campus Young Parent School
- Elstree Ave Family Doctors
- Generation Ignite Food Bank
- Genesis Youth Trust
- Greenmeadows Intermediate School
- Health Connections
Henderson/He Wero o nga Wahine Teen Parent Unit - Hobsonville Point Secondary School
- Howick College
- James Cook High School
- Kelston Deaf Education Centre
- Kia Aroha College
- Kings College
- Mangere College
- Manurewa High School
- Marcellin College
- Marist College
- Maungarei and Mangawhau - Auckland Center education services (ACES)
- Mt Richmond Special School
- Mt Roskill Grammar
- National Haoura Coalition
- Okiwi School
- Otahuhu College/ Health Centre
- Pakuranga College
- Papakura High School
- Pukekoke high school
- Rawiri Residents Association
- Rodney College
- RoseHill College
- SENZ, Vision West, Achievement Centre Massey, Te Ukaipo
- Seventh Day Adventist High School
- Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate
- St Mary's College Ponsonby
- Tamaki College
- Tangaroa College Connected Learning Centre
- Taonga/Clendon Teen Parent Unit
- The Mums Clique Charity
- Waiheke High School
- Waimahia Intermediate School
- Waiuku College
- Wesley College
Bay of Plenty
- Tauranga Community Foodbank
- Habit
- Awhina Whanau Plunket
- CAPS Hauraki
- Gate Pa School
- Tauranga Girls College
- Whanau Awhina Women's Refuge
- Katikati College
- Merivale Community Centre
- Rotorua School for Young Parents
- Te Whakatipuranga School for Young Parents/ Taurange school for young parents
- Te Whare Whai Hua Young Parents Centre
- Whakatane School for Young Parents
- Rotorua Aqautic Centre
- Puke Ariki
- Waitara Foodbank Pataka Kai
- Dress for Success New Plymouth
- Longburn Adventist College
- Piripoho Service
- Sacred Heart
- South Taranaki LibraryPlus
- Taranaki Diocesan School
- Thames Budget Service Inc
- Raglan Community House
- Kids in Need Waikato
- Orini Road Community Foodbank
- Gallagher Aquatic Center
- Hamilton Girls High School
- He Puaawai - Fraser High Teen Parent Unit
- Huntly west community hub
- Kawerau/Te Tari Ako Matua Taiohi Teen Parent Education Centre
- Kimihia School
- Pataka kai
- Single Parent Services Waikato
- Te Tamawai Trust (Operating as The WaterBoy).
- Thames Youth Centre
- Waitomo District Library
- Waterworld - Hamilton Pools
Hawkes Bay
- Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga
- Te Maioha o Mamia
- Hawkes Bay School for Teenage Parents]
- Pa Harakeke Teen Parent Unit
- Te Manawa Family Services
- Te Wakahuia Manawatu Trust
- Palmerston North Women's Refuge
- Cullinane College
- Dannevirke High School
- Horowhenua College
- Palmerston North Girls' High School
- Porirua College
- St Matthews School
- Te Wakahuia Manawatu Trust
- Tokomairiro High School
- Waiopehu College
- Whakatipuria teen parent unit
- Kokiri Marae
- Challenge 2000
- The Wellington Women's House
- Greenstone Doors Charitable Trust
- The Lower Hutt Women's Centre
- Wairarapa Women's Refuge
- Kapiti Women's Health Collective Incorporated
- Te Whare Tiaki Wahine Refuge Charitable Trust
- Youth Inspire
- Racks Collective
- Bishop Viard College
- From Porirua For Porirua
- Hampton Hill School
- He Huarahi Tamariki- School for teen parents
- Heretaunga College / Hutt Valley / Titiro Whakamua Teen Parent School
- Hutt Valley High School
- ICAFS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service)
- Makoura College
- Mana College
- Masterton District Library
- Miramar & Maupuia Community Centre
- Strathmore Park Community Centre
- Newlands College
- Paraparaumu College
- Regional Public Health on behalf of Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Wairarapa
- Sacred Heart College
- St Catherines College
- St Mary's College Wellington
- Taita College
- Te Ara (Wellington Activity Centre)
- VOYCE Whakarongo Mai
- Wainuiomata High School
- Wairarapa Teen Parent unit
- Wellington East Girls College
- Wellington Girls' College
- Wellington Homeless Women's Trust
- Wellington Sexual Abuse
- HELP Foundation
Nelson - Tasman
- Whanake Youth
- Nelson Young Parents School
- Pay it forward
- Motueka High School
- Otautahi Women's Refuge
- Te Tahi Youth
- It Takes a Village Hub
- Purapura Whetu Trust
- Housing First Christchurch
- Belfast Community Network
- Catholic Cathedral College
- Hagley Community College
- Hillmorton High School
- Kaiapoi High School
- Karanga Mai Young Parents College
- Kimihia Parents College
- Lincoln High School
- Linwood College
- Mairehau High School
- Marian College
- Murihiku Young Parents Learning Center
- Rangiora High School
- Villa Maria College
- One Mother to Another
West Coast
- West Coast Women's Refuge
- Greymouth High school
- Kuranui College
- Murihiku Young Parents Learning Centre
- Nga roku aui
- Stopping Violence Dunedin
- Foster Hope Otago
- Campus Watch, Otago University
- Columba College
- Nurture budz
- Otago University
- South Otago High School
Te Pā Tauira, Otago - Polytechnic Student Village
- The Catlins Area School
- The North East Valley Community Development Project
- Gore & Clutha Women's Refuge
- Hokonui Runanga Alternative Education
- Te Whanau O Hokonui Marae Incorporated Society T/A Te Iho Awhi Rito Social Service
- Aurora College
- Community Networking Trust
- Newfield Park School