Staff blog interview: Operations/Donations Manager Sophie

Staff blog interview: Operations/Donations Manager Sophie

Meet Sophie, Our Operations/Donations Manager

What's your role at Dignity?

I am the new Operations/Donations Manager - I organise and ship all of the orders to corporations and schools 

What's the favourite part of your job?

The people! Both those benefiting from this initiative and the ladies I have the privilege of working with. 

What does Dignity mean to you?

Dignity is the ability to hold your head high and feel comfortable and confident in your own skin. 

Why do you think businesses should have Dignity at their workplace? How can we make periods more normal?

I think it starts with people just like you and me starting a conversation and normalising the idea of talking about it. Work is such a big part of an individual's life and for them to feel uncomfortable and undignified in that space can have a hugely negative impact. 

What do you do outside of Dignity?

A lot! I love keeping busy. I am in my third year of a Bachelor of Architectural Studies and am loving the degree. I am heavily involved in volunteering for sustainable initiatives and love working towards a zero waste lifestyle. I also dedicate a chunk of my time to Surf Life Saving NZ by both working and volunteering for them. 

Who do you admire?

My parents. I have watched them achieve so much. They are both amazingly driven, open-minded and compassionate.  

What is a quote you live by?

Time goes by fast so spend it on three things,

Yourself: making you happier or improving your life. 

Others: Those who you love and whom love you.

For something bigger than you: a group or cause that impacts more than your immediate world. 

What would be advice to yourself 5 years ago?

One day it will make more sense, but until then, don’t stop believing that anything is possible. Never stop fighting for what you believe in and have fun, you don’t have to work so hard xx

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